Total Given So Far: $26,316.00
DWELL MOBILE aims for $40,000 giving goal.
On GivingTuesday, DWELL Mobile began our push toward our year-end fundraising goal of $40,000 and received over $17,000! In reaching this goal through your generosity, we can continue cultivating opportunities for resettled refugees and our local community of Mobile, Alabama.
Mobile is home to a diverse and growing immigrant community. As the city's only
post-resettlement organization, DWELL Mobile is committed to providing practical and vital resources, supporting families in their new lives by developing meaningful relationships, and helping refugees create better futures here in Mobile. DWELL has been in a season of rapid growth, resettling over 80 individuals since April of 2024, serving over 7,000 individuals so far this year in food distributions, beginning to provide health and employment services for refugees, continuing with our tutoring program and English as a Second Language (ESL) classes, and doubling staff. With a year-end goal of $40,000, DWELL can continue to build relationships that leave a lasting impact, empower our clients towards self-sufficiency, and achieve abundant lives. The core of who we are and what we promote is relationship development. By partnering with us, our efforts will multiply in impact and growth!
People demonstrate generosity in many ways. Whether it’s helping a neighbor or stranger out, showing up for an issue or people we care about, or giving to causes we care about, every act of generosity counts.
Would you please consider beginning to support us monthly? If you cannot give monthly, please consider a one-time or periodic gift. Any contribution helps!
Those interested in supporting DWELL Mobile’s year-end giving campaign with a one-time gift or beginning monthly support, can visit our donation page.
About DWELL Mobile
Started in 2015, DWELL Mobile’s mission is to provide resettled refugee families practical support in their new life, meaningful relationships with new neighbors and opportunities to develop a better future. All with a vision to see Mobile, Alabama as a city where resettled refugee families find their home and community.